
As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know if email addresses need to be updated, etc.).

  • Real Estate Assessments and RCA Meeting.  Our next meeting will be at 7:30pm on Thursday, March 2 at the Commonwealth Baptist Church (700 Commonwealth Avenue; entrance from the back parking lot along West Chapman Street).  We have invited City Deputy Assessor Jeff Bandy to talk about the annual property assessments (the basis for city property taxes) which are due to be mailed within the next week, and the appeals process.  We also expect to have various updates on the agenda, including from our Police liaison, Lt. Bartholomew Bailey, and our Sheriff liaison, Capt. Shelbert Williams.
  • Comcast Outage.  As you might have noticed, Comcast decided to take an unscheduled “snack break” on Superbowl Sunday; reportedly, the cause of the outage was a car accident – not strictly Comcast’s fault, although one might question (and we have) why Comcast’s network lacked redundancy.  Supposedly, an automatic credit of $25 will be posted to customer accounts.
  • Traffic.  We have communicated some of the concerns that have been relayed to us by residents, but have been informed that an impediment to a Rosemont-wide study is a lack of funds – which might be a matter to raise with City Council, as we are now at the time of year that the budgeting process gets under way.  (We note that Justin Wilson – from neighboring Del Ray – has been exceptionally proactive in addressing community concerns.)  Additionally, studies on pedestrian safety near Maury Elementary and the King/Russell intersection are already in progress and due in the spring.
  • SafeTrack.  During Surge #12, from February 11 through February 28, there will be no Blue Line service between Pentagon and Rosslyn, and “Rush+” Yellow Line service will run all day.  Additionally, surge #13 – from March 4 through April 9 – will include three separate phases, all reducing Blue/Yellow Line service in the Rosemont area.  See https://www.wmata.com/service/status/details/Surge-13.cfm for more details.
  • Volunteers Needed.  We can always use another hand – thinking ahead to events such as the Fourth of July (which hopefully can return to the Maury Elementary School) but also ongoing items, ranging from pending matters (school redistricting, development, etc.) to general issues (neighborhood beautification, Rosemont history, etc.).  If you have an interest, please let us know.

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