
RCA Updates (May 2017)

As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know if email addresses need to be updated, etc.).

Next Meeting.  The next Rosemont Citizens Association meeting will be on Monday, June 5, 7:30pm at the Commonwealth Baptist Church (700 Commonwealth Avenue – entrance at the rear).  We will have two speakers – 1) from Alexandria Renew Enterprises, to discuss the water recovery/discharge services that the company provides for the City of Alexandria; and 2) from Alexandria T&ES’s Stormwater Management program, to discuss the fee for stormwater adopted as part of the City’s 2018 budget and its implications for homeowners.  Hope to see you there!

Volunteers Needed.  We would like to resume the annual tradition of holding a Fourth of July event at Maury Elementary, but a volunteer is need to take the lead role in organizing the event.  Please let us know if you’re interested – there should be plenty of “old hands” to help.

Rosemont Tour:  On May 20 at 4:30pm, the Office of Historic Alexandria is sponsoring an architectural walking tour of Rosemont on Thursday, May 20, at 2:00pm, focusing on its history as an early 20th century trolley suburb.  For more information, please visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/historic/default.aspx?id=90899.

Traffic and Pedestrian Updates: At its April 24 meeting, the Traffic and Parking Board approved the installation of a crosswalk across East Rosemont Avenue, where it intersects Hooff’s Run Park.  See https://www.alexandriava.gov/uploadedFiles/tes/info/2017%20April%20minutes.pdf for the minutes of the meeting.

Maury Schoolyard Updates: The grand opening of the renovated schoolyard was held on April 21.  For an example of photos and media coverage, see http://www.alexandrianews.org/2017/04/new-maury-schoolyard-open-for-play/.

Keeping Informed.  We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation/), cross-posted to Twitter (https://twitter.com/RosemontCitizen) and our web page (http://RosemontCitizens.org/facebook/).  Please consider following one or another (as well as the Rosemont email list, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/rosemontva/info).

Membership.  Please renew!  (See http://RosemontCitizens.org/join/ for the form.)


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