
As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know if email addresses need to be updated, etc.).

Next Meeting – December 11. The next RCA meeting will be on Monday, December 11 at 7:30pm at the Commonwealth Baptist Church, 700 Commonwealth Avenue.

Our featured speaker will be Rod Simmons, the City’s Natural Resources Manager, to discuss the City’s “green infrastructure” and what we can do to contribute (for example, as you may have seen, our neighbors in North Ridge recently organized a tree-planting project – see http://www.alexandrianews.org/2017/09/north-ridge-neighbors-begin-restoring-alexandrias-tree-canopy/).

As you may know, Rosemont is home to a portion of Hooff’s Run, as well as neighbors Ivy Hill Cemetery and Shuter’s Hill (better known as the Masonic Memorial) – all important resources.

Additionally, Captain Williams of the Sheriff’s Department will talk to us about Project Lifesaver, a tracking service to assist individuals with cognitive conditions (see https://www.alexandriava.gov/uploadedFiles/Sheriff/info/2011ProjectLifesaverBrochure.pdf) and Lieutenant Bailey of the Police Department will give us an update on safety issues.

Other Upcoming Events.

* November 23 – Turkey trot through the streets of Alexandria and Del Ray. See https://www.alexandriaturkeytrot.com.

* November 24 – City tree lighting ceremony. See https://www.visitalexandriava.com/event/city-of-alexandria-tree-lighting-ceremony/2790/.

* Also note that trash and recycling will be collected on their normal days during Thanksgiving week. See https://www.alexandriava.gov/tes/solidwaste/info/default.aspx?id=6506.

Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation/), cross-posted to Twitter (https://twitter.com/RosemontCitizen) and our web page (http://RosemontCitizens.org/facebook/). Please consider following one or another (as well as the Rosemont email list, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/rosemontva/info).

Volunteers. We can always use another hand – if you have an interest, please let us know.

Membership. Please renew! (See http://RosemontCitizens.org/join/.)

Jol Silversmith
President, RCA


© 2025 Rosemont Citizens Association

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