
Flooding Issues. The City Council has held several discussions, most recently on September 22, about flooding issues, based on this summer’s events.  Notably, the City will initiate an emergency procurement for the cleaning of Hooff’s Run, but the actual work may take up to six months. For more information, see https://patch.com/virginia/delray/major-flooding-events-spur-push-improvements-alexandria. Also, the City of Alexandria Backflow Preventer (BFP) Assistance Program reimburses homeowners for up to 50 percent of the cost of installing a BFP to help prevent flooding inside homes, up to a maximum of $2,000. For more information, please visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/tes/info/default.aspx?id=105378.

Commonwealth Repaving. The City has released information about its plans for improvements to be made to Commonwealth Avenue in connection with its repaving in 2021 (between King Street and Braddock Road. Notably, it does not include the extension of the bike lanes north of Oak Street, but emphasizes new signage, markings, curb extensions, and other improvements for pedestrian safety. A 24-minute presentation has been posted at http://alexandria.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=29&coa_clip_id=4624&coa_view_id=29). Detailed planning documents have been posted at https://www.alexandriava.gov/uploadedFiles/tes/info/Commonwealth30PctPlans.pdf. The City has asked for comment by October 15 at https://www.research.net/r/AlexandriaVA-CommonwealthCompleteStreets. The overall website for the project is https://www.alexandriava.gov/tes/default.aspx?id=116748.

Absentee Voting. In-person and by-mail absentee voting has begun; the last day to register to vote is October 13 and the last day to request a by-mail absentee ballot is October 23. For more information, please visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/elections/info/default.aspx?id=1720.  In addition to the presidential race, ballot items include the U.S. Senate and two state constitutional amendments.

Maury Elementary Name. At its September 17 meeting, the School Board meeting accepted a petition to request that it consider a change to the school’s name, and stated that the process will be integrated into the process also just begun to consider changing the name of T.C. Williams High School. For more information, see https://www.acps.k12.va.us/Page/3443.

Lena’s Expansion Application. Lena’s Wood-Fired Pizza has filed an application, now scheduled to be heard on November 5, to expand the restaurant into the second-floor of the Yates Corner building. For more information, please visit http://alexandria.legistar.com/gateway.aspx?M=F&ID=449860ad-d5a2-4ec0-897f-ea937507f8a8.pdf.

Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in the neighborhood and Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation). The independent community email list can be accessed at https://groups.io/g/rosemontva.


Membership. Please renew (http://RosemontCitizens.org/join/)!

Jol Silversmith
President, RCA

© 2025 Rosemont Citizens Association

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