Rosemont in the 1960s

  • The March 7, 1960 edition of the Star reported that the city had begun a tree rehabilitation program, which would include trees in Rosemont.
  • The May 26, 1960 edition of the Post reported that Robert C. Howard of 16 West Oak Street, chairman of the School Board, would not be a candidate for reappointment.
  • The July 16, 1960 edition of the Star reported that Rear Admiral Edwin W. Herron (retired) of 201 West Walnut Street had been named executive vice president of the Northern Virginia Real Estate Board.
  • The November 22, 1960 edition of the Star reported that Gorman C. Ridgely of 200 Rucker Place had been named assistant administrator of Alexandria Hospital.
  • The April 16, 1961 edition of the Washington Star reported that Mrs. Charles F. Holden of 100 West Rosemont Avenue was runner up in the seventh annual show of the Camellia Society of the Potomac Valley.
  • The July 5, 1961 edition of the Washington Star reported that City Treasurer Roger C. Sullivan and his wife, of Rosemont, had celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
  • The March 11, 1962 edition of the Star profiled newly elected circuit judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr. of 106 West Rosemont Avenue.
  • The April 5, 1962 edition of the Star reported that Seymour Fromm of the Rosemont Park Market had been elected to a one-year term as a director of District Grocery Stores, Inc.
  • The April 13, 1962 edition of the Star previewed the eighth annual show of the Camellia Society of the Potomac Valley, accompanied by a photo of Mrs. Charles F. Holden of 100 West Rosemont Avenue with her camellia plants. The April 20, 1962 edition of the Star noted that the society’s first annual camellia garden tour would include the Holden’s garden in Rosemont.
  • The September 22, 1963 edition of the Star reported that 11-year old Bert Sacks of 110 East Spring Street, a sixth grader at the Maury School, had passed the FCC’s exam for an amateur radio operator license.
  • The October 26, 1963 edition of the Star reported that James D. Dodge had been appointed sales manager at Monroe Development Corporation’s real estate office at 1 East Walnut Street.
  • The November 10, 1963 edition of the Star reported that a bust of Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury would be on display at the Maury School during the school bazaar.
  • The March 25, 1965 edition of the Star reported that Mrs. Charles F. Holden of 100 West Rosemont Avenue had won several awards at the eleventh annual show of the Camellia Society of the Potomac Valley.
  • The July 12, 1965 edition of the Post reported that four boys who had been playing behind 305 Summers Drive were swept into a storm drain. Billy Cowhig and Kirk Fields managed to climb out and summoned help; firemen later rescued Mark and Bret Fields. A similar report appeared in the July 12, 1965 edition of the Gazette.
  • The October 31, 1965 edition of the Star reported that Alexandria’s Commissioner of Revenue, who was standing for re-election, was C. Aubrey Callahan of 15 West Rosemont Avenue.
  • The June 23, 1966 edition of the Post reported that the Rosemont Citizens Association had opposed the reappointment of three members of the School Board on the basis of the proposed new middle school boundaries, which would assign students from Rosemont to the Jefferson Middle School.
  • The July 7, 1966 edition of the Star reported that the Rosemont Citizens Association was among the groups opposing plans to renovate instead of replace the Jefferson Middle School. A similar report appears in the July 7, 1966 edition of the Gazette.
  • The July 24, 1966 edition of the Post reported that at a School Board meeting, Daniel Fairfax O’Flaherty, speaking for the Rosemont Citizens Association, stated that it was in favor of integration.
  • The July 31, 1966 edition of the Post reported that the School Board had decided to temporarily close Jefferson instead as part of a new integration plan. The November 19, 1967 edition of the Post reported that in response to concerns expressed by the Rosemont Citizens Association and other civic associations, a committee appointed by the City Council had recommended that more school (and other public) business be conducted in open hearings.
  • The October 17, 1966 edition of the Star reported that Daniel Fairfax O’Flaherty, president of the Rosemont Citizens Association and a former member of the City Council, had been appointed as co-director of Clive L. DuVal’s congressional campaign.
  • The January 31, 1967 edition of the Star reported that a forum for Democratic City Council candidates had been sponsored by the Rosemont Citizens Association. The February 28, 1967 edition of the Star reported on a similar forum for Republican candidates.
  • The July 5, 1967 edition of the Gazette reported on the Fourth of July celebration at the Maury School, sponsored by the Rosemont Citizens Association. Judges and organizers included association president Thomas Wilcox and vice president Owen Malone. Bicycle prize winners included Tommy Wilcox of 200 West Walnut Street for trick riding as well as Denise L’Abbe of 16 West Maple Street, with honorable mentions to Carla Cripe and George Stukenbroeker. The winner of the watermelon eating contest was Michael Austreng of 300 West Masonic View Avenue, with his sister Kimberly winning the junior division.
  • The June 13, 1968 edition of the Post reported that Sheltered Enterprises of Alexandria had opened a center at 407 East Braddock Road to provide employment for adults with mental disabilities.
  • The July 6, 1968 edition of the Gazette reported on the Fourth of July celebration at the Maury School, sponsored by the Rosemont Citizens Association. Tracy Martin of 3 West Maple Street was winner of the bike regatta, with Carla Cripe of 201 Summers Place second. Kimberly Austreng of 300 West Masonic Avenue again won the junior watermelon eating contest, with Randy Vosbeck of 500 West View Terrace winning the 8-10 year old division; John Lemonds of 200 West Masonic Avenue winning the 11-12 group; Randy Woods of 605 North View Terrace and Bill Hogan of 17 West Oak winning the 13-14 group; and Bill Sullon winning the 15-16 group.
  • The October 18, 1968 edition of the Star reported that Norman E. Campbell had been named manager of Alexandria National Bank’s new Rosemont branch. The October 28, 1968 edition of the Star reported that the branch would open on October 29.
  • The November 13, 1969 edition of the Post reported that the City Council would hold the first of six community meetings at the Maury School on December 3, 1969, to discuss tensions in the City. A similar report appeared in the November 13, 1969 edition of the Star. The December 4, 1969 edition of the Post reported that about 250 persons attended the meeting and that most of the problems discussed at the meeting were unrelated to race, such as traffic congestion and street lights. Similar reports appeared in the December 4, 1969 editions of the Star and the Daily News.

Fourth of July in Rosemont, 1968.




Rosemont Fourth of July, 1968


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