July Fourth. Please plan to join us for the annual Independence Day event at Brooks Elementary; as always, the support of volunteers will be essential. Please sign up to help at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4bafaa2ca0f85-2023. For general information about the event, please visit https://RosemontCitizens.org/2023-4th-of-july-celebration.)
Zoning Changes. The primary topic of discussion at the RCA meeting on June 21 was the City’s ”Housing for All” initiative, which would implement changes to zoning which would allow increased density, at least some of which would affect Rosemont. A compilation of the materials circulated at the meeting is available at https://RosemontCitizens.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RCA-Zoning-Materials-June-2023.pdf. A vote was taken to send a letter to the City to ask that it ensure that the process is not rushed, deferring consideration of more specific issues that are still under discussion by the City. We will plan to circulate additional information in the near future; the current schedule is for the City to announce a formal set of proposals in September.
PELT Update. A compilation of the materials circulated at the meeting by the Planning, Environmental, Land use, and Transportation committee is also available at https://RosemontCitizens.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RCA-PELT-Materials-June-2023.pdf..
Membership Update. As of July 1, 2023, we have revised our approach towards membership to consider all individuals living within the boundaries the RCA to be members and represented by the RCA. The RCA continues to welcome donations to support its activities. Give to RCA Today!
Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in the neighborhood and Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/RosemontCitizen) and general resources on our web page (http://RosemontCitizens.org). The independent community email list can be accessed at https://groups.io/g/rosemontva.
Jol Silversmith
President, RCA