Commonwealth Repaving. The City has requested feedback for its revised plans for repaving Commonwealth Avenue, which include crosswalk and other improvements. The updated plans can be found at https://www.alexandriava.gov/tes/default.aspx?id=116748; the survey (open through February 26) can be found at https://www.research.net/r/AlexandriaVA-FY22Repaving. At its February 22 meeting, the Traffic and Parking Board approved certain changes required for the project, including the removal of certain parking spaces to allow for new crosswalks and other safety improvements. Separately, the Board also approved a request to prohibits left turns onto southbound Russell Road from westbound Cedar Street.

Primary Election. The next election in Alexandria will be on June 8 – primaries for state and local offices, including Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, House of Delegates, Mayor and City Council, and School Board. Notably, Council members Del Pepper and Mo Seifeldein have announced that they will stand down; and Vice Mayor Elizabeth Bennett-Parker has announced that she will instead run for the House of Delegates for the 45th District (a seat currently occupied by Mark Levine, who has announced has candidacy for Lt. Governor). Various candidates have announced their intentions, but the exact list will not be known until next month. (Additionally, it now appears that the Republican Party will hold a convention instead of a primary for state offices.)

School Renaming. The top 3 names from a community poll for renaming Matthew Maury Elementary (and a separate poll for T.C. Williams High) are to be presented to the School Board on March 4, with a hearing to follow on March 18 and a vote on April 8. For more information, please visit https://www.acps.k12.va.us/Page/3374.

Flooding Information. A neighbor from Del Ray, Katie Waynick, has established a website and newsletter to coordinate efforts to address flooding issues in the city – an issue for parts of Rosemont, because of Hooffs Run. For more information, please visit https://drainalx.wixsite.com/website. Additionally, the City will be holding a webinar at 7pm on March 1 about the proposed new FEMA flood maps for the City – register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TudTgRfLR_-3eQTcok4rOA. For more information about the maps, please visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/FloodMap.

Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in the neighborhood and Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation) and general resources on our web page (http://RosemontCitizens.org). The independent community email list can be accessed at https://groups.io/g/rosemontva.

Membership. Please renew (http://RosemontCitizens.org/join/)!

Jol Silversmith
President, RCA

© 2025 Rosemont Citizens Association

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