TES Update. The collection of yard waste has resumed, but on Fridays, separate from the regular trash/recycling pick-up. Please set out yard waste by 6am. The temporary yard waste drops-off center is now closed. For more information, please visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/YardWaste.
Fourth of July. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus and continuing restrictions on public gatherings, we are not holding an Independence Day event this year.
Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in the neighborhood and Alexandria via our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RosemontCitizensiation). The community email list can be accessed at https://groups.io/g/rosemontva.
Membership. Please renew (http://RosemontCitizens.org/join/)!
Jol Silversmith
President, RCA